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Landscape audioguide

Scritto da Massimo Urso    Giovedì 19 Settembre 2013 00:00

Uno sguardo diverso sulla storia profonda del parco, sulla sua evoluzione, sul suo futuro attraverso le voci, le storie e i racconti di chi questo Parco lo ha fatto crescere e lo vive giorno per giorno in tutte le sue sfumature e contraddizioni.


Ideazione e realizzazione Lorenza Zambon.

Testi di Lorenza Zambon e Tomaso Colombo.

Musica di Carlo Actis Dato.

Voci di Lorenza Zambon e Giancarlo Previati.

Con il sotegno di 

Itinerario 1 – La foresta sopra la fabbrica

Ascolta in streaming

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Streaming – Realizing Emotions Realizing Emotions
Streaming – The Guiding Animals The Guiding Animals
Streaming – The First Reforestation The First Reforestation
Streaming – The Deforestation Story The Deforestation Story
Streaming – The Design of the Park. Green Telescopes The Design of the Park. Green Telescopes
Streaming – The Big Prairie The Big Prairie
Streaming – Learning from mistakes Learning from mistakes
Streaming – Meadows, hedges and insects Meadows, hedges and insects
Streaming – The lake as yet to appear The lake as yet to appear
Streaming – The new lake The new lake
Streaming – The new skyline of Milan The new skyline of Milan
Streaming – Over the rumbling canyon Over the rumbling canyon

Itinerario 2 – Memorie di ferro



Streaming – The city of factories The city of factories
Streaming – Porta Breda Porta Breda
Streaming – Torretta a villa farmstead Torretta a villa farmstead
Streaming – The Torretta transformed The Torretta transformed
Streaming – Water the bringer of nature Water the bringer of nature
Streaming – The park within the factory The park within the factory
Streaming – Monument in memory of the deported workers Monument in memory of the deported workers
Streaming – The growing park The growing park
Streaming – The Breda canal transformed The Breda canal transformed
Streaming – The velodrome and the ghost lake transformed The velodrome and the ghost lake transformed
Streaming – City vegetable gardens City vegetable gardens
Streaming – Bonsai on the railtracks Bonsai on the railtracks
Streaming – Attaching the territories together Attaching the territories together
Streaming – Memories of the ruins Memories of the ruins
Streaming – The outpost-bridgehead The outpost-bridgehead
Streaming – The secret room The secret room
Streaming – Memories of the bombs Memories of the bombs

    venerdì 30, Agosto 2019