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Scritto da Simona Parigi    Giovedì 11 Giugno 2015 11:01

Nature Educational Area


Bee Lodge

“If the bee disappeared from the face of the earth, man would only have four years left.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Bees are the most interesting social insects and the most studied ones in the world. Their special dances and frenetic toing and froing have always enchanted generations of nature researchers.

In the Lodge, the bees in the 5 hives making up the park apiary, set up in co-operation with the Cooperativa Demetra, can be observed close up as they go about their daily work.

There are some mobile panels and audio files just inside the Lodge giving invaluable information on the biology and ecological importance of bees; a little further on, the most important tools used by beekeepers can be seen.

However, before going in, spend a few minutes at the two ‘talking flowers’ which will welcome you and introduce you to the wonderful and complex world of these little insects.

On some special occasions throughout the year, visits are planned where the beekeeper’s work can be seen close up.

    venerdì 30, Agosto 2019